Mental Fitness PRINCIPLE Willpower; You can lose it…

Research conducted by Roy Braumeister suggests that self-control (one of two important traits linked to success in life) is a consumable resource. That is the more you use it, the more difficulty you can have in both doing and not doing (resisting temptation). He was able to demonstrate this depletion in self-control by simply asking participants to watch a movie and ignore the words that flashed across the bottom of the screen (which requires self-control). Taken in total there are many observations that can be made concerning self-control (after reading several research papers on the topic):

– self control is needed to both do things that you need to do and to avoid the things that you should avoid.

-as consumable resource, it is better to expend it doing things that are important vs avoiding things that you should not do

– those who are good at self-control, seem to minimize the things that they need to avoid (probably giving them more energy to do the things that they need to do)

– self-control can be built like a muscle, the key strategy is to minimize temptation at times that your self-discipline bucket is depleted, and allow adequate time for recovery.

– when building self control, it is better to start small, and monitor your behavior.

– daily rest and Sabbath are likely very important has they likely replenish your allotment of self-control

– the wisdom in The Lords Prayer; “lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil”

To hear from Roy Baumeister check out this video :

Alkaline Foods?

There is an article on alkaline foods and 74 foods were recommended ( However when I cross referenced this list with foods from a ph app that lists the PRAL score there were several inconsistencies.
– PRAL stands for Potential Renal Acid Load and seems to be the standard for determining whether foods have an acidifying or alkalinizing effect on the body. You can read about PRAL calculations and recommendations here: Those at this site suggests checking your urine, shooting for ph values at there low in the morning and increasing over the course of the day (6.5 to 7 in the morning and then increasing) . You can also find some recommendations here
– get an app that list the PRAL score of foods as this seems to be the standards
– the green foods seem to consistently have very low PRAL scores (in the negative range). But there are other foods that are not green that mainly have an alkalinizing effect on the body. You may need to check several sources to see if they consistently report that a food is alkalinic as there are inconsistencies reported.
– many spices seem to be alkaline, it may help to familiarize yourself with them and use them regularly in cooking.
beans, greens, and rice (which is only mildly acidic may need to be the main stay of the diet. If you have trouble with beans, try cooking them with a little baking soda, that may help.

– Finally, consider using ph strips to test your urine.  In this way you can get a better idea as to the effect your diet is having on your acid base load.  If you find recipes that are helpful, please share


SMARTtarget Personal Development December 2014

The goal is to have some dialog about the skills that are most helpful in living a fulfilled life. Some suggestions to get you started include; financial management, time management, learning, and communication. It can also be suggested that you develop a creative hobby which is a right brain activity. The value of this can be appreciated by watching the TED talk Stroke of Insight, by Jill Bolte Taylor. It is also brain stretching and respectful, to try and learn another language. This may become more important as the world becomes flatter.

It is also suggested that you watch the video on the Blue Zone project, where there is discussion on what people are doing that seems to help them make it to 100 without much problem : )

To get an A in Personal Development, you need to spend 5 hours per week to improve your knowledge or skill. Make the 5 hours count 🙂

SMARTtarget Physical Fitness December 2014

The goal is to list the principles, practices, and products that help you improve your physical fitness. Some guiding principles can be found in steps 7,8,9 of SMARTsteps at this  website.  In general the goals/targets will be in one of three categories; endurance, strength, flexibility.

SMARTtarget (DOM): Mental Fitness Sept 2014

Mental fitness is about being able to identity and operationalize good choices. In this discussion thread, post and comment on the principles, products, and practices, that help us make good decisions. Targets likely include meditation, sleep, brain food, reflection, exercise.  You can get some tips from a review of he first 3 steps in the SMARTsteps wellness program.